East Suffolk Wireless Revival Rally 2024

This rally has been established many years. I remember going to it back in the eighties. It is currently held at Kirton, near Ipswich. I missed it in 2023 but was pleased to visit this year, on 15th June, courtesy of my “chauffeur” M7SDA (very kind of him) and accompanied also by Mick, M7TRU.

The rally seemed quite well attended. There were plenty of people looking at quite a few stalls, selling everything from components to rigs. This was a good social occasion. Indoors in the small building there were a few stalls including the RSGB bookstall and the Vintage and Military Amateur Radio Society with one or two “Boat Anchor” rigs including a 62 Set one of which I remember being used by the signals section of my school army cadets. I hated the cadet experience but liked the radio aspect.

We got there reasonably early, but the morning was marred by the weather with the sunshine and showers. It was unseasonably cold when the rain came down, which it did quite heavily.

The burger van seemed popular, which was no doubt a comfort to many. My only slight grouse was that there was nowhere to sit down for those like me with limited mobility.

The rally seemed like a success for the clubs involved and I hope it was profitable for them.

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