Tag Archives: licence conditions

OFCOM consultation re amateur radio 2023

I definitely would not run 400 watts with this and an amplifier. Good on about 6 or 7 watts no matter what you have heard.

OFCOM has published its proposals for changes to the amateur radio licence. I thought I should share my thoughts, so here is my two penn’orth; link to the OFCOM page below.

Consultation: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework 2023

So, should each licensee only be able to hold one callsign. I think yes, because switching would be confusing for other radio amateurs. Of course, maybe I am jealous as I am not allowed to own my old callsign G8LFJ as well as G4MCU.

I have no problem with greater supervised operating being permitted. I am all for encouraging more people to get involved and obtain their licences.

Concerning the proposal to use M8 and M9 for Intermediate licensees going forward this is a good idea. Callsigns starting 2 are confusing to foreign radio amateurs so are better not used and phased out.

“Do you agree with our proposals to change our policies on the use of RSLs?” Yes. In practice most radio amateurs would prefer to use RSLs where they can.

I do not oppose allowing the use of any suffix.  I would prefer /P, /A, /M to be used though it is optional anyway at present.

I do not agree with the proposals to allow a change of callsigns. SK callsigns (deceased amateurs) should never be reissued except to family members or as special memorials to the deceased.

“Do you agree with our proposals on the limits to how many call signs can be held?” Yes!

What about the proposal to simplify special event call signs? Fine as far as I am concerned.

“Do you agree with our proposals to increase transmit power?” Yes and no.  I said no in the consultation response, but as I noted therein, I think an increase in transmit power for Intermediate licensees (100w) and Foundation licensees (50w) is fine but 400w is quite enough for full licences and has been adequate for decades. Even some older amateurs of my vintage should not be trusted with 1KW when they cannot keep clean at 400w. With digital modes now available much lower transmit power is quite sufficient. We do not need 1KW to compete with some foreign stations.

I have no objection to changes in rules on remote control operation, beacons, gateways and repeaters.

Foundation Licence holders should be able to build their own equipment and access the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands.

Overall, I am pretty relaxed about the consultation proposals, as long as they do respect and not reissue SK callsigns except to family members who are licenced radio amateurs.